©2025 Gold Coast Eisteddfod | All Rights Reserved.

About the Gold Coast Eisteddfod

Gold Coast Eisteddfod began in 1982 as part of ‘Tropicarnival’, Gold Coast City’s first ever Festival.

It attracted some 600 competitors in the first year and whilst the Festival ceased in 2000, the Eisteddfod has continued to grow – it is now the largest competition of its kind in the country staged from July to September each year.

Entries are received from the south-east Queensland region and indeed from all States of Australia. Apart from individual entrants, over 120 Primary and Secondary Schools and more than 66 Dance Studios participate in sections which include Solo & Group Dance, Piano, Strings, Brass & Wind, Instrumental Groups, Bands, Orchestras, Vocal, Choral and Young People with Disability. The Gold Coast Eisteddfod attracts over 5,500 performances, equating to approximately 50,000 sets of feet across the stage in the just over 8 week period of 'at venue' events. Another 1,600 performers were involved in our virtual sections.

The City of Gold Coast is major sponsor and without this outstanding support, it would not be possible to stage this major cultural activity.

Griffith University supports the Gold Coast Eisteddfod as our Schools Partner and provides the valuable support and community engagement that makes this event possible.

The Gold Coast Eisteddfod recognises that competitors are not all the same, and come from all walks of life. We strive to remove barriers, connect with our community and support all involved in our event. Our community is stronger with people from diverse and cultural backgrounds. GCE believes in equality, diversity and inclusion. If you or any of your students need any additional support, please advise and we can accommodate.